Teaching Philosophy

I strongly believe that teaching should inspire curiosity and critical thinking, rather than simply transfer knowledge. I aim to create a dynamic, student-centered environment where students actively engage with economic concepts through a blend of lectures, discussions, and practical applications. My teaching follows the Teacher-Scholar Model, which combines teaching and research in a way that enhances both. Research brings fresh insights into the classroom, making teaching more relevant and current, while teaching stimulates new ideas and questions that can lead to further research. Economics is inherently abstract, so simplifying complex issues is vital for effective teaching. I bring passion to the subject by posing relevant questions and incorporating real-world scenarios that resonate with students’ experiences. This not only deepens engagement but also improves learning outcomes by helping students connect theory to practice and develop critical analytical skills.

Teaching Experience

Primary Instructor

Econ 104: Is there Truth in Numbers? The Role of Statistics in Economics (Causal Inference)

University of California, Santa Cruz

Course Description

This is the main upper-division course in Applied Microeconomics. In this course, students develop the art of empirical analysis where they use real economic data in an interactive way. I taught experimental and quasi-experimental methods, including Randomized Control Trials, Instrumental Variables, Propensity Score Matching, Difference-in-Differences, and Regression Discontinuity design. In addition, I provided extensive training for the students in writing codes and translating their results into 2 full-length academic manuscripts.

Quarters Taught

Spring 2024, Summer 2023, and Summer 2022

Course Syllabus Student Evaluations

Teaching Assistant

Throughout my academic career, I had the opportunity to serve as a teaching assistant for a diverse range of courses. A brief selection of these courses includes the following:

Selected Student Evaluations

Teaching Interests

I am interested in teaching the following courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels:

Teaching Awards

I was honored to receive the Excellence in Teaching Award from the Department of Economics at the University of California, Santa Cruz. This award is granted to graduate students who demonstrate exceptional teaching performance and receive outstanding evaluations.